November 18, 2009

just my luck

Hello ladies...

So excited about this new blog! Such a good idea and a great way to stay in touch/hear about each of your lives!

So the latest is that I have engagement pictures on Saturday in Kauai.  On behalf of pictures, I have grown my eyebrows out so they could get waxed. We're talking monsters here! So I went to get them done and low and behold, I walk out with barely any eyebrows!! Just my luck, right.  I can't have no eyebrows for engagement pictures! So luckily I called Nordstrom and talked to the nicest lady who set me up an appointment with the eyebrow specialist. Nordstrom is an hour away so thankfully Tony agreed to take me.  I got there and they solved my problem. I got all of the products that I need to make it look like  I actually have eyebrows and they totally look real too! And I bought this stuff that is supposed to make your eyebrows grow back so that should help. I'll let know know if it works! :) (hopefully it doesn't get smeared on my face like to my lip and I start growing a mustache! haha jk) I love you all and will let you know how engagement pictures go! 

1 comment:

  1. haha haha i am so sorry nicole!! that is funny but also terrible terrible. I hope that your engagements go well.
