February 17, 2010

craziness is like heaven.

so sorry its taken me FOREVER to write something! this semester has been crazy for me. but so good at the same time. i applied for my major a few weeks ago-elementary education. i'll find out in march if i got in or not so cross your fingers for me! i've also been snowboarding a ton which has been so much fun. me and my roommates got passes up at park city so we go up there at least once a week. oh and i got into a car accident about two weeks ago. yikes. it was not fun. but we are all okay and my car isn't too wrecked luckily. i kinda bruised my ribs in the process though so i cant snowboard for a few more weeks :( but its okay it will give me a chance to focus more on school like i should be doing! haha and i am in desperate need of a job. do you girls know of anything?? if you do let me know asap. my money is running out fast...oh and im still single haha love it......

so me and megan were in this super cool snowboard scavenger hunt a few weeks ago up at park city. my uncle was one of the sponsors so he got me and megan in for free! it was so much fun. we didnt win the hunt but we both won shirts and beanies in the raffle which was kinda cool!

love you girls oh so much and i miss us!

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