March 4, 2010

fun list

okay so now that i am single... Megan Nelson suggested that I distract myself by creating a fun list :) thus far I have had so much fun keeping myself busy. I am so proud of myself--i go to the gym twice a week for an hour. crazy because i have never been a regular gym goer. k here are some of the things on my list:
-volunteer to tutor at a jail
-stand in a boys bathroom for ten seconds at least (if i'm feeling brave, try and pee in a urinal)
-make strawberry daquarees ?? and sing and dance to the song if you like pinacoladas
-make wonderfully creative decorations for my room
-and of course, grab a smokehouse boy and kiss him ahaha not sure if this one will happen

i love you girls and thank you for helping me out always. you guys are wonderful--amanda

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